All posts by brucebecker

Terror Group Turns Boys and Girls Into Bombers, Spies, Executioners

Soldier, suicide bomber, executioner — and child.

In the latest beheading videotaped by the terror group Boko Haram, one of the jihadis holding a gun on the victims looks very young. He’s not identified, and U.S. intelligence analysis of the video can’t pinpoint an age, but experts say it wouldn’t be shocking if he were a teenager. The Nigerian Islamists are increasingly relying on children – both male and female, and some as young as 10 — to do their dirty, deadly work.


The United States vs. Bob Menendez

For years, Senator Bob Menendez has faced a steady stream of news reports suggesting that he was using his position inappropriately. Up to now, none of those had stuck—but it looks like the New Jersey Democrat’s luck may have run out.

CNN broke the story Friday afternoon that federal prosecutors are close to charging Menendez with using the power of his office to assist a friend and donor’s business interests, in exchange for gifts. The feds are homing in on Dr. Salomon Melgen, a Florida ophthalmologist who has given generously to Democrats and is the highest-billing doctor in the Medicare program nationwide.


N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports

The Justice Department is preparing to bring criminal charges against Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., for allegedly using his position to support the business interests of a donor and friend,CNN first reported on Friday.

Attorney General Eric Holder already signed off on prosecutors’ request to pursue charges on the allegations — some of which might pass the statute of limitations, the network said.


Mob Lynches Rape Suspect in India

Indian police say thousands of people stormed a high security prison and dragged out a rape suspect before beating him to death in the remote state of Nagaland.

Authorities say security personnel at the jail in Dimapur were overpowered as the mob broke into the facility late Thursday. A curfew has been imposed in the town.


Man suspected of hacking U.S. military satellite data arrested in UK

(CNN) — British law enforcement officers have arrested a 23-year-old man suspected of hacking the U.S. Department of Defense and swiping data from a satellite-based system used by the military to communicate with people worldwide, UK authorities said Friday.

This arrest was one of 56 made this week in 20 separate operations conducted by regional organized crime units, Metropolitan Police officers and others. The others caught range from a family of suspected fraudsters and a 16-year-old believed to be behind hundreds of cyberattacks, according to Britain’s National Crime Agency.

Yet the arrest that the agency highlighted most was the one that targeted the world’s most powerful last June 15.


BLM told to ‘stay away’

After being re-invited to give a presentation in Mesquite, Bureau of Land Management representatives received threats from Ryan Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, who said the BLM needs to “stay gone and the people won’t allow them to come back.”

BLM representatives came to discuss how to give comments on the Resource Management Plan Draft but were instead drilled with public comments mostly about the Gold Butte area.


Police losing technology race to criminals as austerity bites – Europol

Police in Europe will soon be at a technical disadvantage to organized criminals as austerity and funding cuts threaten investment, Europol warned in a new report.

Europe’s policing agency said Monday that criminal gangs will in future do business in a “virtual criminal underground”, using virtual currencies like Bitcoin, which are much harder to trace as well as using communication structures to make themselves more decentralized and looser and thereby harder for police to keep track of.


Bill would protect whistleblowers who report corruption by public officials

In light of recent news headlines about Albany corruption, a Westchester assemblyman has proposed extending whistleblower protections for those who witness corruption by their bosses or co-workers in state government.

“The discussion about ethics in state government is missing a key component: encouraging whistleblowers to report wrongdoing to law enforcement,” said Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, D-Greenburgh.

To add to the discussion, Abinanti submitted legislation (A.1137) that would prohibit retaliation against an employee who reports bribery, attempted bribery, defrauding the government or other unlawful activity by a public official.


HSBC Whistleblower: Top Management Was “Aware Of The Problem”

The whistleblower who carried out the largest banking leak in history told Bloomberg he can prove that HSBC executives knew about alleged schemes to help wealthy clients avoid taxes at HSBC’s private Swiss bank.

The leaker, Herve Falciani, said he can provide “logical proof” that top brass at British-based HSBC was aware of the problems that have now provoked a flurry of investigations. He added that his alleged proof “has to be explained” and that he does not have “documents signed by top management.”

HSBC, the world’s second-largest bank, was rocked last month by a report that drew on the leaks to identify individual account-holders involved in a range of unsavory activities, from arms-dealing to public corruption to money laundering. The client list included royalty such as Morocco’s King Mohammed and relatives of foreign officials, such Li Xiaolin, daughter of former Chinese premier Li Peng.


US Offers $3 Million Reward to Detain Russian Hacker

The United States is offering a $3million reward for information on a Russian hacker charged with bank conspiracy and fraud. Russian citizen Evgeniy Bogachev is charged with running computer attacks that diverted more than one hundred million dollars. He was indicted in Pittsburgh last year on serious charges of bank fraud and conspiracy. The FBI has released pictures of Evgeniy Bogachev; he is charged in US with running a computer attack network called Game over Zeus which stole more than $100 million from online bank accounts. Unconfirmed reports about whereabouts of Evgeniy Bogachev had surfaced earlier.
