All posts by brucebecker

Scam U.? Feds Bust Alleged Student Visa Fraud Ring in LA

Federal authorities arrested three Los Angeles area residents Wednesday for allegedly running a multi-million dollar ‘pay to stay’ visa fraud scheme that let foreign nationals stay in the U.S. by “attending” vocational schools without attending classes.

The four schools were based in the L.A. area but almost all the students lived elsewhere. The investigation found that many were living as far away as Hawaii, Texas and Washington. When investigators visited one of the schools, they found only one student attending a class when records indicated the college had 300 students.


Justice Department ramps up public corruption cases

If federal prosecutors lodge corruption charges against Sen. Robert Menendez, it will mark the latest in a string of high-profile political cases from the U.S. Justice Department, including last year’s conviction of former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell.

The Menendez case, which centers on the New Jersey Democrat’s relationship with a wealthy donor, comes as the agency has stepped up its scrutiny both of politicians’ official actions and the activities of their aides in a new era of unlimited political spending.


U.S. Still Giving a Corrupt Afghanistan a Blank Check

The U.S. has poured more than $104 billion into rebuilding Afghanistan – investing in projects and programs that were meant to boost its economy and bolster its security.

But as American troops pack up and head home after 13 long years, those efforts have faltered. The country’s security forces are increasingly weak and a dwindling revenue stream has  been mostly sucked dry by corruption and fraud.

– See more at:

Thousands of U.S. workers older than 100? That might be Social Security fraud.

Thousands of workers over the age of 100 applied for employment verification through the U.S. government in recent years.

It wasn’t a trend toward an older workforce, but a sign of identity fraud, according to federal auditors.

A recent watchdog review found that at least 6.5 million active Social Security numbers belong to people who are at least 112 years old and likely deceased.

But only 35 known living individuals worldwide had reached that age as of October 2013, according to the Gerontology Research Group.


More women trafficked to Nordic countries for labour, marriage – police

Reuters Foundation) – A growing number of women are being trafficked to Nordic and Baltic countries for forced labour, identity theft and “marriages of convenience” to foreign men, experts said at the opening of a United Nations session focussing on women.

The International Labour Organization estimates that women represent 55 percent of all forced labour and 98 percent of those trafficked for sexual exploitation.


Why are New Jersey politicians so corrupt?

On Friday afternoon, CNN reported that the federal prosecutors in the Justice Department’s public integrity division are likely to soon file corruption charges against Robert Menendez, the senior U.S. senator from New Jersey.

The story was just one of several allegations of misconduct against elected officials in the Garden State to get an airing last week. On Thursday, a former state environmental commissioner accused a top aide to Gov. Chris Christie of interfering in a decade-long pollution case to give a break to ExxonMobil, prompting a state legislative hearing later this month. And on Wednesday, testimony continued in a federal courtroom in Newark where Joseph Ferriero, a former county Democratic party chairman, is being retried on corruption charges stemming from fees he extracted from developers and others looking to do business in the state.


UN: torture in Mexico occurs with ‘impunity’ at hands of security forces

A scathing UN report has sharply rebuked Mexico for its widespread problem with torture, which it said implicates all levels of the security apparatus in the context of the government’s efforts to combat crime.

“Torture and ill treatment during detention are generalized in Mexico, and occur in a context of impunity,” the UN special rapporteur on torture, Juan Méndez, wrote in the report he presented on Monday before the Human Rights Commission in Geneva.


The Hamster on a Treadmill



Some of us may still believe that there is equal justice under the law.  But the ones who are most likely to believe it are the lucky ones amongst us who’ve never had to really find out.  Well, here’s a story that may make you think a bit differently about what equal justice under the law actually means.

A few years ago, I decided to become an entrepreneur.  A word that conjures up all sorts of images and emotions-like innovation, no bosses, creativity, big money and more.  Well, suffice it to say, becoming a successful entrepreneur was a lot easier said than done-at least in my case.

My first big step was to go back to college and do years of research to get my doctoral degree.  Then I got a patent based on my research.  My next step was to convince some wealthy investors that I could make them some money.

From here, I put everything I owned into the business along with several million dollars from my investors.  The idea was to create a new generation of risk management software based on my research that would make the food we all eat safer.

In developing the food safety software I briefed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about what my little company was up to.  What I wanted to do is make sure that what I was developing helped the government do a better job of oversight of the food companies they regulate.  But this is where things quickly began to go south.

The FDA started by taking my doctoral research and using it to write the government’s own plan for protecting the nation’s food supply.  Ouch!  But the thievery didn’t stop there. The FDA then took the software that I was trying to sell to the food industry and had it duplicated by their contractors. Double ouch!  But the death knell for my little company came when the FDA gave away the software they duplicated for all of the food companies out there to use for free.  Triple ouch! The bottom completely dropped out of our sales and my dreams of being an entrepreneur were soundly dashed.

So what did I do?  There were two choices.  Move on or fight for justice.  I chose to fight back not just for myself but for everyone who still believes in the American dream of becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business.

This is when, just like a hamster on a treadmill, I began the never ending journey to get nowhere fast. Good guess-I started with congress.  But everyone I went to on the Hill told me, “We don’t get involved in legal matters,” and told me to get a lawyer even though every one of them knew I couldn’t afford one.  But the government buck didn’t stop there.

Then I wrote letters to the Inspector Generals at the Department of Health and Human Services and Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Small Business Administration, the White House and on and on.  But no one would lift a finger to help and the buck still goes on and on.

This year, I decided to step off the treadmill and I started a new initiative to stop the government’s buck. The John Galt Program for Investigative Studies focuses on Americans who are being denied their Constitutional rights. Please visit our web site at  to read about other people with great dreams just like yours that are being dashed by the government.

The John Galt Program for Investigative Studies is part of the Institute for Complexity Management (ICM) a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization that works to address intractable societal issues. ICM relies completely on charitable contributions from people just like you. Please visit our web site at and make a generous contribution today.









With Clinton emails in spotlight, Cuomo orders New York data purge

As national leaders debate how best to preserve and review reams of email generated on private servers during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, New York is grappling with a problem stunning in its contrast: the wholesale deletion of government emails in state-owned systems.

Clinton conducted all of her electronic correspondence through email accounts stored on a private server actually housed in the former cabinet official’s Chappaqua home. Faced with noticeable disquiet over the lack of access to and archiving of official correspondence, Clinton aids have turned over some 55,000 pages of what they say are relevant documents to the State Department, while Clinton herself tweeted “I want the public to see my email.” The Clinton team said personal correspondence has already been removed from the document dump, while State Department officials said it could take months to review the emails before they can be made public.






DATE: MARCH 7, 2015


In the case of FoodQuestTQ, the Food and Drug Administration plagiarized the doctoral dissertation of the company’s Chief Science Officer; infringed on the company’s patents and misappropriated the company’s trade secrets to duplicate FoodQuestTQ products that the small business was already trying to sell to the food industry.


Over the past several weeks, the case of FoodQuestTQ has taken several important twists.  To date, the small company has reported fraud, waste and abuse at the Food and Drug Administration to virtually every law enforcement agency in the Federal Government with no action.  A copy of the investigative report prepared by FoodQuestTQ at the request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was sent to the White House, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Small Business Administration, the Comptroller General, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and many others.  Without exception, the Federal Government refuses to investigate itself.


In June 2014, FoodQuestTQ requested that the FBI investigate the fraud, waste and abuse taking place within the FDA, Department of Health and Human Services and the Small Business Administration.  In February 2015, the FBI declined to investigate. In March 2015, FoodQuestTQ wrote to the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice requesting an independent investigation of the FBI into the agency’s failure to provide due process of law to FoodQuestTQ.  FoodQuestTQ also filed a request for an investigation with the Attorney General of the State of Maryland since many of the crimes committed by U.S. Government personnel occurred at FDA Headquarters which is located in the State of Maryland.

In January of 2015, FoodQuestTQ signed a retainer agreement with a major law firm to investigate the infringement of its patents and the misappropriation of the company’s portfolio of trade secrets.


Earlier this year FoodQuestTQ transferred some of its former for-profit functions to a 501 c (3) non-profit charitable organization known as the Institute for Complexity Management (ICM).  ICM has two principal components.  The first component is the John Galt Program for Investigative Studies (JGPIS).  JGPIS was established to provide pro-bono assistance to small businesses across the country who are victims of corruption.  The second component is our National School Safety Collaboratory (NSSC).  The NSSC was created as the vehicle for the development, maintenance and deployment of advanced software to enhance the safety of our children at schools across America.  The NSSC takes the same platform technology developed by FoodQuestTQ for food protection and applies it across the breadth of school related risk management challenges.


You can learn more about the JGPIS and read the comprehensive report on fraud, waste and abuse at the FDA prepared by FoodQuestTQ at the request of the FBI at: You can learn more about the NSSC at: .


In prior notifications, all addressees were cautioned to avoid future liability by refraining from the use of the FDA Food Protection Plan and the following five FDA tools that are currently accessible free of charge to the food industry at the FDA official government website, namely:


  1. Food Defense Plan Builder
  1. Food Defense Mitigation Strategies Database
  1. iRisk
  1. Food Related Emergency Exercise Boxed (FREE-B)
  1. Post 2007 Updates to C.A.R.V.E.R. plus SHOCK
 Table 1:  FDA Tools in Dispute


FDA copyright infringement in the case of FoodQuestTQ versus the Food and Drug Administration includes the plagiarizing of FoodQuestTQ funded and copyrighted research as embodied in the CSM METHOD® and other research, patent infringement and theft of FoodQuestTQ LLC owned trade secrets that the FDA used to duplicate the following six FoodQuestTQ LLC commercial products, namely:


  1. Food DefenseTQ (with TQ standing for Threat Quotient)
  1. Food Defense Architect (FDAR)
  1. Food Safety Architect (FSAR)
  1. POISON Metadata Repository of Intentional and Unintentional Food Poisonings
  1. Food Event Analysis and Simulation Tool (FEAST)
  1. Food Response and Emergency Evaluation (FREE) Tool
Table 2:  FoodQuestTQ Tools Duplicated by the FDA


Please be advised that any use of Projectioneering LLC and FoodQuestTQ LLC owned intellectual property, without the express written permission of Projectioneering LLC and FoodQuestTQ LLC will be considered by Projectioneering LLC and FoodQuestTQ LLC as the unauthorized use of Projectioneering LLC and FoodQuestTQ LLC owned intellectual property pursuant to Title 35, USC, Chapter 29, et seq.


Private companies who continue to use the Food and Drug Administration Food Protection Plan and the computer tools listed in Table 1, below, may also be considered to be in collusion with the Food and Drug Administration within the intent of the Sherman Anti-trust, Clayton and Federal Trade Commission Acts by conspiring to engage with a federal regulatory agency, i.e., the Food and Drug Administration, in anticompetitive conduct.


To avoid future liability in this matter all parties should refrain from using the FDA Food Protection Plan or any of the five computer software tools listed in Table 1, above, since they contain the FoodQuestTQ LLC and Projectioneering LLC owned intellectual property in contention.  In the event that Projectioneering LLC and FoodQuestTQ LLC prevail in this matter, any party that knowingly uses the above referenced FDA products can be held liable for infringement under 35 USC, Chapter 29, e seq. and other applicable provisions of law.

Bruce Becker. President                                           John H. Hnatio, President
FoodQuestTQ LLC                                                   Projectioneering LLC
Date:  March 7, 2015                                                Date: March 7, 2015