All posts by brucebecker

Colorado shooting verdict: James Holmes guilty in movie theater massacre

The first murder conviction read by Arapahoe County Judge Carlos Samour Thursday induced a whimper and several tissue-muffled sobs.

Those sitting on the packed right side of courtroom 201 — either survivors of the July 20, 2012, Colorado movie theater shooting rampage or loved ones of those killed — tried to heed the judge’s request to keep their emotions in check, but this day was a long time in the making.


Man faces 3 federal charges for bomb threat hoaxes

A 24-year-old man has been indicted on charges that he sent multiple bomb threat hoaxes to different businesses and government facilities in Central Florida.

Federal authorities believe David Wayne Willmott Jr., of Inverness, sent email threats on Nov. 25, April 17 and April 23. The targeted locations included the Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant, an elementary school, two courthouses, two airports and a sheriff’s office.


John Gotti’s ex son-in-law arrested in Cleveland organized crime raid

CLEVELAND- Cleveland police arrested a member of the Gambino crime family following an 18-month investigation.

Deputy Cleveland Police Chief Ed Tomba said detectives noticed a spike in car thefts in part of the city. Instead of the cars found stripped and burned out, most of the vehicles weren’t recovered. That prompted “Operation Goodfella,” a long-term investigation into a scrap yard at East 116th Street and Harvard Avenue.


Former mayor of Pa. capital charged with 499 criminal counts

The former longtime mayor of Harrisburg, Pa., was arrested Tuesday and charged with nearly 500 criminal counts, in part stemming from allegations he illegally used hundreds of thousands of dollars from city agencies to purchase historical items, the Harrisburg Patriot-News reported.

Stephen R. Reed, 65, whose term as Democratic mayor of Pennsylvania’s capital city spanned nearly three decades, was arraigned on 499 counts stemming from 17 criminal charges before Magisterial District Judge William Wenner.


FDA Stole Our Stuff

Should our government be above the laws that are in place to police it? Should they be so powerful that even the FBI will cover-up and refuse to investigate? Should they be allowed to blatantly infringe on the patents of its people, steal ideas, and put small business out of business? This is EXACTLY what has happened to me. Right now I am fighting the battle of my professional life after the Food and Drug Administration infringed on my little company’s patent and knowingly reproduced software and distributed it freely to the food industry, without any compensation. This has put us out of business and will have us out on the street in a matter of months. The suit involves several other companies such as Battelle Labs, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, and others who have yet to be served. After meeting with us and hearing the story, and being outraged and agreeing to help us, Congressmen and Senators have turned and covered it up and refused to help in the end. The FDA has gone on to black ball me personally, a 20 year, 70% disabled Army veteran, who has had a successful career in food safety for most of my adult life, and my company, hoping to scare us off and make us disappear. We need your help to break this story and let the public know. Will you be brave enough to report the truth? We are not the only private company that the government has stolen from. Please visit our website to read more information. Stealing patented ideas from private industry will run this country into the ground. What is the point of devoting time, effort, and money to an idea if the government can steal it without compensation, patent or not? This must stop!!! Website: Please feel free to contact Bruce Becker at 540-645-1050, or [email protected]. Thank you for your time. Please see related links below.

For Immediate Release: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA gets caught and admits that it’s guilty in one of the biggest thefts of intellectual property in history.

On June 21, 2015, the Acting Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Stephen Ostroff, admitted to one of the largest thefts of intellectual property of all time.The technology involves patents and trade secrets for what is called “predictive analytics.” Predictive analytics involves the harvesting of “big data” that is then analyzed by supercomputers to predict the future. If you are wondering just how big the market is for this revolutionary technology, take a look at the numbers. The predictive analytics market is expected to grow to $5.24 billion by 2018 at an annual CAGR of 25.2% making it one of the biggest and fastest growing market segments in the economy. On May 7, 2015, Acting Commissioner Ostroff was personally served with an affidavit giving the agency 45 days, 15 days more than legally required, to refute allegations that it stole a small company’s predictive analytics patents and trade secrets, which are valued at billions of dollars in today’s market. According to Dr. John Hnatio, one of the owners of the small company, FoodQuestTQ LLC, “Dr. Ostroff’s failure to refute the facts now legally stands as an admission of guilt that the FDA intentionally stole our technology. This represents a watershed moment for technology entrepreneurs across the nation who, every day, face the theft of their intellectual property by the U.S. Government. In far too many cases, these small companies do not have the resources to defend themselves from the government Goliath,” he said. The actions by the small company represent a landmark victory in preventing the government from simply stealing the technology of small businesses. “What FoodQuestTQ has done, is a strategic legal departure from relying exclusively on abstract codes or text, and an overburdened court system,” says Mr. Bruce Becker, another FoodQuestTQ entrepreneur. Becker goes on to say, “Instead of relying solely on government statutes, we have turned to the use of common law, which allows judges to rely on their predecessors’ decisions of actual controversies. It’s a whole new ballgame.”

Private sector companies, including the 300 member companies of the Grocery Manufacturers Association and Battelle Memorial Institute, have received similar affidavits from FoodQuestTQ LLC but have not yet responded. Hnatio says, “Any company out there that stole our technology can be sure of one thing. We will aggressively pursue you. The entire future of small business is at stake here.”

As of press time we have received no response to our request for comments from Dr. Ostroff at the FDA.

You can see the FDA affidavit of truth and other pending legal actions by FoodQuestTQ LLC involving the Grocery Manufacturers Association and FDA contractor Battelle Memorial Institute at:

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Mass. man arrested on bomb building, gun possession charges

US authorities said on Monday they have arrested a heavily armed Massachusetts man who was building bombs in his apartment and planned to attack a crowded university campus cafeteria on behalf of the Islamic State militant group.

Alexander Ciccolo, 23, was arrested on July 4 for the unlawful receipt of multiple guns, the US Justice Department said in a news release. His indictment was unsealed on Monday. The college he intended to target was not disclosed.


Italian money laundering reports jump to all-time high in 2014

ROME, July 13 (Reuters) – Reports of suspicious bank transactions in Italy jumped 10 percent to a record high last year as the pervasive problems of organized crime, corruption and tax evasion were exacerbated by a three-year economic slump, the central bank said on Monday.

The financial downturn had given cash-rich mafia groups the opportunity to tighten their grip on the economy as, with banks reducing lending, the criminal networks boosted their investments in the real economy, investigators have said.