‘Bad Girls’ of Illinois government

MARION — Women are not only as capable as men at running a government office, they are equally equipped to steal from it, too. And the notion that women may be the more trustworthy of the genders can lead to women gaining unchecked positions of power — and ultimately, crimes that rob taxpayers of millions.

The latest research paper published by the SIU Paul Simon Public Policy Institute rings that warning, calling attention to a little-told chapter in Illinois’s long book of political corruption: the “bad girls” of women in government.

“We definitely need to have outside auditing and government oversight, no matter who is playing the part in the system,” said Ryan Ceresola, a doctoral graduate student in the Department of Sociology, and author of the report. “We can always point to bad apples, but there’s still a bad barrel in government that allows for this to happen and it can sweep anybody up.”
