Yahoo Responds To Video Ad Fraud Allegations

Yahoo doesn’t have a fraudulent traffic problem, a company leader said Friday.

Tod Sacerdoti, VP of display and video ad products and the founder of Yahoo’s video ad exchange BrightRoll, was responding to a CNBCreport late last week, which claimed widespread fraud in Yahoo’s ads business and sales “ineptitude” as responsible for the downfall of its video portal, Yahoo Screen.



Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow said he was a reformed Chinatown gangster, but the jury in his federal trial didn’t believe that and convicted him of murder and racketeering.

The trial took about two months, yet it only took the jury two and a half days of deliberations to reach a verdict. The U.S. attorney declined to comment, but it was a big win for them. Chow’s lawyers say they’ll appeal, especially since Chow, 56, faces mandatory life in prison.


How Corrupt Is the American Government?

Government corruption has become rampant:

  • Senior SEC employees spent up to 8 hours a day surfing porn sites instead of cracking down on financial crimes
  • NSA spies pass around homemade sexual videos and pictures they’ve collected from spying on the American people

Maryland Man Pleads Guilty for Role in Massive Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Scheme

A resident of Bowie, Maryland, pleaded guilty today to federal charges for his involvement in a far-reaching identity theft and tax fraud scheme in which he assisted in the filing of fraudulent federal income tax returns seeking more than $4.4 million in refunds, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice Department’s Tax Division, U.S. Attorney Channing D. Phillips for the District of Columbia, Special Agent in Charge Thomas Jankowski of the Washington Field Office of the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI), Inspector in Charge David G. Bowers of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service’s (USPIS) Washington, D.C., Division and Assistant Inspector General for Investigations John L. Phillips of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


Starbucks customer confronts barista who stole her credit card info

She may have filed a police report, but this angry Starbucks customer was on a mission to personally accuse a barista of stealing her credit card.

“We’re gonna get even, that’s what we’re gonna do,” Elizabeth Becerra of California said while approaching the shop’s drive-through window and hashing out her plan to confront the 19-year-old coffee server.

In the curse-filled tirade recorded by her brother (with over 170,000 Youtube views) the woman claimed the barista charged $212 to her credit card at a grocery store a day after her info was stolen.

“So we got you on camera yesterday,” an angry Becerra started.


Nearly 70% of Americans say big government is top problem for nation – poll

A Gallup poll found that nearly 70 percent of Americans think big government is the country’s top problem. The poll results were released just days after President Obama signed a $1.1 trillion spending bill.

While 69 percent of the 824 Americans polled identified government as the biggest threat, 25 percent saw big business as the largest problem for the country and 6 percent were most concerned about big labor.


Nurse in Denton convicted of 9 counts of health care fraud

DENTON, Texas (AP) — A North Texas registered nurse faces up to 90 years in federal prison after being convicted of health care fraud in a billing scam.

Florence Kroma of Denton was convicted of nine counts of fraud related to billings from 2008 to 2013.

Prosecutors on Monday announced the 55-year-old nurse was convicted Friday night and awaits sentencing. She formerly ran Mt. Zion Home Health Agency in Denton.


Sheldon Silver’s Ponzi-Schemer Son-In-Law Sentenced To Two Years In Prison

A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced the son-in-law of crooked former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to two years in federal prison for bilking investors out of nearly $6 million through a Ponzi scheme. Marcello Trebitsch, 37, ran the sham investment company Allese Capital with his wife, Silver’s daughter Michelle, the company’s accountant, according to prosecutors. She has not been charged.

From 2007 to 2014, Marcello Trebitsch took in more than $7.2 million in investors’ money, promising to sink it into a variety of investment arrangements. Instead, in each case, prosecutors said he and his wife directed much of it to their own accounts and spent it while sending out statements showing substantial profits. What money Marcello did invest he suffered net losses on, and when clients asked to pull money out, he paid them partially, if at all, out of the commitments of later clients. In all, he screwed four clients out of $5.9 million, according to prosecutors.


NY government needs to let the sun shine in quickly

When the state Department of Environmental Conservation has a filing cabinet full of records, who owns them?

When a state Assembly member uses his or her state-provided email, who owns the inbox and the sent items?

When the state Department of Transportation maintains an electronic database, who owns the data?

The answer is a no-brainer: We own the information. The taxpayers.

Elected state officials simply are visitors in Albany until they lose an election, quit, die or head to prison for corruption. The state bureaucrats who show up to work in Albany and elsewhere every day are our employees, no one else’s. And when they retire, it is us, those who pay taxes, who fund their highly lucrative pensions.


California man pleads guilty in $37M Cisco Systems fraud

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) – A San Jose man has been convicted of charges stemming from allegations he sold products stolen from Cisco Systems, Inc. in a fraud scheme that raked in $37 million.

Federal prosecutors say 45-year-old Cuong Cao Dang pleaded guilty on Friday to conspiracy to commit mail fraud, substantive wire fraud, money laundering and engaging in financial transactions using criminally derived proceeds. He is scheduled to be sentenced in March and faces as much as 70 years in prison.


Investigating Complex Issues