Why Taking Legal Action Against Charity Fraud Is So Hard

When all 50 states and the Federal Trade Commission joined together in May to sueCancer Fund of America and three related charities for fraud after a four-year investigation, some commentators asked, “What took so long?”

As a former state attorney general, I thought, “What an accomplishment!” In my experience, state nonprofit regulation presents formidable structural, financial, and legal challenges that make this first broad-based enforcement action a significant milestone.

When I was appointed Tennessee attorney general in 2006, one of my biggest surprises was the scope and complexity of the office’s nonprofit work. I knew the office had a broad portfolio, but I did not expect to litigate over a multimillion-dollar university art collection, foundation mismanagement, or misuse of nonprofit corporations. I should not have been surprised, since the nonprofit sector is estimated to account for 5 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product and 10 percent of its private-sector work force.
